Struggling to Stand Out and Shine 
in an overcrowded marketplace?

If you are ready to showcase YOU and create 
a Magnetic Business Brand that attracts your
    ideal clients, willing to pay what you deserve...  

Then join me inside my

Branding with Archetypes,
The 5 Step System to Magnetize
Your Premium Tribe & Top Profits

Is this you? 

  • You know you’ve been under charging and over-delivering, and you wish you had someone to help you                 price your services and encourage full pay client.

  • You love what you do but aren’t certain how to organize your expertise into lucrative, client-attracting                     packages

  • You keep thinking, “Do I have the right niche?!” but you’re not sure so you end up trying to serve everybody, even clients who drain your time and energy

  • You crave having a brand that captures your unique spirit, personality and passion, positioning you to                   powerfully stand out from the cookie-cutter crowd

  • You feel in your heart that your mindset about money could definitely benefit from a makeover

  • You feel nervous every time you talk with a prospective client, knowing you’re not quite sure of what to say           when it comes to the money part

  • You offer great value to your clients but don’t know how to stand out on the leading edge of your field.

  • You struggle to clearly communicate who you are and what you do so premium clients are motivated to work with you.

  • You’re frustrated with marketing strategies that don’t feel authentic or aligned with your values.

  • You crave to share your spirit, personality, and passion in a business brand that showcases your unique brilliance and magnetizes more money.

  • You would love to upscale your brand and increase your visibility, your credibility, and your fees.

If this is YOU then it's time to transform your
business brand into everyday easy, in a way
that feels powerfully authentic for you.

That’s why I am thrilled to invite you into my

Branding with Archetypes VIP Half-Day Intensive


You started your business because your dream is to impact the lives of 

      others, work from your zone of genius and feel excited that you’re making money in a lucrative business that lights you up.


What you’re seeking now is for the last puzzle piece to easily fall into
place so 
you can reach your goals and achieve your dream without 

waiting any longer.

Ready to feel excited that you’re making money in a lucrative business 
that lights you up? Here’s what’s inside this Platinum Mentoring

Branding with Archetypes ®

There’s a unique part of you that many business owners mistakenly believe they have to hold back. Coaching together, you’ll discover your Brand Archetype, which unlocks the powerful, instantly recognizable presence within you that’s a client-attraction and opportunity magnet.

Take a look at what we’ll coach on:

  • Discover your Brand Archetype, which perfectly captures your spirit, personality and passion, transforming YOU into an authentic brand you can instantly use to launch this exciting new direction in your business

  • Confidently choose your website design and images, write attention- getting emails, sales copy and marketing material (even if you’re not a writer!)

  • Identify your unique brilliance and use it as a powerful catalyst for focusing your gifts and talents on your most profitable actions

Here’s just a peek at what's possible for your business
after the Branding with Archetypes VIP Intensive:

  • You have lucrative, client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and your unique way of working with clients

  • You’re charging what you’re worth and love how good it feels to be free and no longer over-delivering

  • Your new pricing structures are adding income to your bank account with every new client

  • You have crystal clear clarity about your niche, and feel excited every day to only be working with clients you love, and who appreciate YOU and your expertise

  • Your Brand Archetypes make it fun and exciting to capture your unique spirit, personality and passion in all of your marketing

  • You feel aligned and confident about your brand and how easy it is to powerfully and authentically stand out from the crowd

  • Your new mindset about money perfectly aligns with your goals and is powerfully supporting you to reach them

  • You feel confident, calm and relaxed talking with prospective clients, knowing exactly what to say when it comes to the money part

  • You enjoy working in your business, now that all the puzzle pieces are lined up for your success

  • You are excited to have a brand with true depth that attracts clients you love, and who appreciate YOU and your expertise.

  • Your Brand Archetypes make it fun and exciting to capture your unique spirit, personality and passion in all of your marketing.

  • You feel aligned and confident about your brand and how easy it is to powerfully and authentically stand out from the crowd.

  • Your new mindset about your business brand perfectly aligns with your goals and is powerfully supporting you to reach them.

  • You feel confident, calm and relaxed talking with prospective clients, knowing exactly what to say when it comes to who you are and what you do. 

  • You love having the simple phrases you can use in your marketing to add sizzle and personality , and attract your ideal clients.

  • You enjoy working in your business, now that you are presenting yourself to the world in a consistent, valuable, compelling way that lines you up for success.

My Platinum VIP Day Mentoring Program IS FOR YOU IF....

you’re ready to stop ‘going it alone’ so you can start making more money, making a big impact in the lives of more clients, and finally feel that you are aligned and on purpose with your business.

Working with Kala is amazing! She wows me with her intuition and ability to create transformation so her clients and their business can thrive. Her Branding with Archetypes workshop is an extraordinary experience to take your business to the next level of impact and income – but even better – it can give you a deep understanding of yourself that you never had. 

Coralee Beatty

Kala skillfully facilitated this valuable program for me with encouraging enthusiasm and sensitivity. She had a particular gift at helping me find clarity with her intuitive and insightful approach. Overall, this process helped me realize my unique archetypes, and gave me the confidence to move forward in my business and personal life.

Laura Macdonald

Even if you already have a brand you're happy with
the 5-Step Branding System will help you fine-tune so you can
dramatically bolster your sales, client leads, and the quality of those leads.

Take a Look at What You'll Discover:

  • The gifts, strengths, challenges and Spiritual Contract of your Brand Archetypes, and how
    to leverage them

  • Examples of successful companies who share your Brand Archetype, so you’ll have powerful models to follow.

  • How to step into a whole new level of expert status, authenticity and results in your business using the power of your brand.

  • Specific words to use and feelings to evoke in your marketing so that your brand stays consistent and memorable.

Do It
  • Ready to create client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and practically sell themselves

  • Ready to let go of fear and charge what you’re worth

  • Ready to release money blocks and stand powerfully for your value

  • Ready to work with ideal clients YOU love and who love to pay you for the transformational work you do with them

  • Ready to confidently and calmly talk with prospective clients, even about the money part

  • Ready to let go of doubt and claim your worth as a heartfelt and unstoppable woman

  • Ready to get the support + do what it takes to make your business dreams a reality

If you are:

  • Ready to create client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and practically sell themselves

  • Ready to let go of fear and charge what you’re worth

  • Ready to release money blocks and stand powerfully for your value

  • Ready to work with ideal clients YOU love and who love to pay you for the transformational work you do with them

  • Ready to confidently and calmly talk with prospective clients, even about the money part

  • Ready to let go of doubt and claim your worth as a heartfelt and unstoppable woman

  • Ready to get the support + do what it takes to make your business dreams a reality


you’re ready to stop ‘going it alone’ so you can start
making more money, making a big impact in the lives of
more clients, and finally feel that you are aligned and on
purpose with your business.


Working with Kala is amazing! She wows me with her intuition and ability to create transformation so her clients and their business can thrive. Her Branding with Archetypes workshop is an extraordinary experience to take your business to the next level of impact and income – but even better – it can give you a deep understanding of yourself that you never had. 

Coralee Beatty

Kala skillfully facilitated this valuable program for me with encouraging enthusiasm and sensitivity. She had a particular gift at helping me find clarity with her intuitive and insightful approach. Overall, this process helped me realize my unique archetypes, and gave me the confidence to move forward in my business and personal life.

Laura Macdonald.

Get ready to transform your vision 
for your life & business into reality!

Kala on Mountain


If you have questions about the
Platinum VIP Day Mentoring Program. just send me a message HERE